IEC/TR 61838:2001 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 17:10

Abstract: IEC/TR 61838:2001 pdf free download.Nuclear power plants - lnstrumentation and control functions important for safety一 Use of probabilistic safety assessment for the classification. The application of risk based techniques, in conjunction...

IEC/TR 61838:2001 pdf free download.Nuclear power plants - lnstrumentation and control functions important for safety一 Use of

probabilistic safety assessment for the classification.

The application of risk based techniques, in conjunction with the consequence based classification approach given in lEG 61226, is currently decided by the utility andior regulator within member Nations. In the absence of an internationally agreed approach,

this should continue, but this Technical Report is intended to stimulate debate on this subject and encourage the convergence of

views so that an lEG International Standard can be agreed

The safety principles and the usefulness of a risk-based approach to classification are discussed and a description of four

different approaches is presented.

In other respects, references are given in this report to IEC and IAEA documents which relate directly to the topic.

This report also discusses the limitations associated with the use of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) techniques.

Guidance is given in annex A on modelling instrumentation and control functions for probabilistic risk assessment.

2 Reference documents

IAEA publications.


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