IEC 62137-3:2011 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 17:09

Abstract: IEC 62137-3:2011 pdf free download.Electronics assembly technology - Part 3: Selection guidance of environmental and endurance test methods forsolder joints. 3.6 mechanical shear fatigue strength for SMD imposition of cyclic shear deformati...

IEC 62137-3:2011 pdf free download.Electronics assembly technology - Part 3: Selection guidance of environmental and endurance test methods forsolder joints.


mechanical shear fatigue strength for SMD

imposition of cyclic shear deformation on the solder joints by mechanical displacement instead of relative displacement generated

by CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) mismatch in thermal cycling testing

NOTE The mechanical shear fatigue tests continues until the maximum force decreases to a specified value, which corresponds to the appearance of an Initial crack, or the electrical resistance-measuring Instrument can detect electric continuity interruption, and the number of cycles is recorded as fatigue life.


cyclic drop test for SMD

number of drops to break solder joints of an SMD to the lands on a substrate which is fixed to a jig when the substrate is dropped from a specified height


cyclic steel ball drop strength for SMO

number of drops to break solder joints of a SMD to the lands on a substrate when the steel ball is dropped from a specified height on a substrate


pull strength for lead Insertion type device

maximum applied force to break the solder joint of a lead insertion type device to a land on substrate when the lead is pulled

using a jig


creep strength for lead Insertion type device

strength of a solder joint expressed by the time to break the joint when a continuous force is applied to a lead of a lead

insertion type device soldered to a land.


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