IEC 61190-1-3:2010 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 16:55

Abstract: IEC 61190-1-3:2010 pdf free download.Attachment materials for electronic assembly - Part 1-3: Requirements for electronic grade solder alloys and fluxed and non-fluxed solid solders for electronic soldering applications. 4 Classification So...

IEC 61190-1-3:2010 pdf free download.Attachment materials for electronic assembly - Part 1-3: Requirements for electronic grade

solder alloys and fluxed and non-fluxed solid solders for electronic soldering applications.

4 Classification

Soldering materials covered by this standard shall be classified by alloy composition, solder form, flux type. flux percentage and by other characteristics peculiar to the solder material form.

4.1 Alloy composition

The solder alloys covered by this standard are the alloys listed in Tables B.1, B.2 and B3 and include pure tin and pure indium.

Each alloy is identified by an alloy name composed of a series of alphanumeric characters. These characters identify the component elements In the alloy by chemical symbol and nominal percentage by mass. They terminate with an arbitrarily assigned alloy

variation letter (A. B, C, D). Alloys are also identified by an alloy short name. This is an alphanumeric designation composed of

the chemical symbol for the key element in the alloy (see Clause A.4). the nominal percentage of that element in the alloy and the arbitrarily assigned alloy variation letter.

Tables B.1, 8.2 and B.3 identify alloy composition, short name and temperature characteristics; Table B.4 cross-references solidus and liquidus temperatures to alloy names and Table B.5 cross-references ISO alloy numbers and designations from ISO 9453 to alloy names.


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