IEC 61158-6-15:2010 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 16:47

Abstract: IEC 61158-6-15:2010 pdf free download.lndustrial communication networks -Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-15: Application layer protocol specification -Type 15 elements. a) the abstract syntax defining the application layer protocol data un...

IEC 61158-6-15:2010 pdf free download.lndustrial communication networks -Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-15: Application layer

protocol specification -Type 15 elements.

a) the abstract syntax defining the application layer protocol data units conveyed between communicating application entities,

b) the transfer syntax defining the application layer protocol data units conveyed between communicating application entities,

c) the application context state machine defining the application service behavior visible between communicating application

entities; and

d) the application relationship state machines defining the communication behavior visible between communicating application

entities; and.

The purpose of this standard is to define the protocol provided to

a) define the wire-representation of the service primitives defined in IEC 61158-5-15, and

b) define the externally visible behavior associated with their transfer.

This standard specifies the protocol of the Type 15 IEC fieldbus Application Layer, in conformance with the OSI Basic Reference

Model (ISOIIEC 7498) and the 051 Application Layer Structure (ISO/IEC 9545).

1.2 Specifications

The principal objective of this standard is to specify the syntax and behavior of the application layer protocol that conveys the

application layer services defined In IEC 61158-5-15.


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