IEC 61828:2006 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 12:31

Abstract: IEC 61828:2006 pdf free download.Ultrasonics - Focusing transducers -Definitions and measurement methods for the transmitted fields. distance from the source aperture, a —6 dB beamwidth in a longitudinal plane that is less than one-halt t...

IEC 61828:2006 pdf free download.Ultrasonics - Focusing transducers -Definitions and measurement methods for the transmitted


distance from the source aperture, a —6 dB beamwidth in a longitudinal plane that is less than one-halt the —20 dB source

aperture width (measured in a plane as close as possible to the ultrasonic transduc.r) in that plane. For arrays with a rectangular geometry, a specified longitudInal plan, is either an xz or yz plane with z along the beam axIs. Non-focusing transducers are those not meeting the conditions specified above.

31.5 Applications of focusing definitions

Two definilions of focusing are given in 3.1.4, which apply in two cases.

a) For transducers for which the construction is known, an ideal definition is given for describing, modeling or design purposes.

b) A second definition applies to measurements of the focusing characteristics of real transducers which either have an unknown

construction or imperfect realization.


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