ASME A112.19.3:2000 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 17:09

Abstract: ASME A112.19.3:2000 pdf download.Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Residential Use). 3.2 Bar Sinks Common types and sizes are: (a) ledge-back sink, single compartment (see Table A16); and (b) lcdge.back sink, double compartmen...

ASME A112.19.3:2000 pdf download.Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Residential Use).

3.2 Bar Sinks

Common types and sizes are:

(a) ledge-back sink, single compartment (see Table A16); and

(b) lcdge.back sink, double compartment (see Table Al7).

3.3 LavatorIes (S.. Fig. Al)

Common types of dat-nm lavatones are rectangular. round, or oval; with or without back ledge; and with or without integral rims. Flanges shall be flat, rigid, and suitable for effective installation of the fixtures (see para. 4.2).

3.3.1 Lavatory Ov.rflows. When provided, lavatory overflows shall have either a minimum cross- sectional area not less than 11,, in.2 (725 mm2) at every point in the passageway or shall have a minimum flow capacity (as

specified in ASME Al 12.18.1 for lavatory faucets) when tested in accordance with para. The location of

the overflow shall be optional. The overflow point flood level of the slab shall be not more than ‘2 in. (13 mm) above the slab surface at the lowest point of the faucet bearings. The lavatory shall be installed and leveled in a stand with the waste outlet closed or blocked A waler

supply shall be adjusted and shall be supplied to the fixture at a flow rate as specified in ASME A 112.18.1 for

lavatory faucet. The elapsed time from the onset of water flowing into the overflow opening until the water begins to overflow the flood level shall be measured. The fixture shall drain for a minimum of 5 minutes without


3.4 Outlets

(a) Outlets for kitchen sinks shall be as shown in Fig. 3.


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