ASME B31J:2013 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 17:19

Abstract: ASME B31J:2008 pdf download.Standard Test Method for Determining Stress Intensification Factors(i-Factors) for Metallic Piping Components. Paragraph 5.2 permits dimensional extrapolations, provided the technical justification for such extra...

ASME B31J:2013 pdf download.Standard Test Method for Determining Stress Intensification Factors(i-Factors) for Metallic Piping


Paragraph 5.2 permits dimensional extrapolations, provided the technical justification for such extrapolations is included in the

test report. An example of such justification is 11w elastic-stress theory for elbows used by Marki. More generally, an acceptable justification for extrapolations would consist of a valid elastic-stress theory applicable to the type of component, e.g., a

branch connection. Care would be needed to ensure that the elastic-stress theory is indeed applicable over the range of dimensional extrapolations given in the test report.

Appropriate dimensional extrapolations for branch connections have been a major problem. The subject of branch connections, their

theory, testing, and the effect of weld profile on i-factors are exhaustively treated in references 161 and 171. The need for

ensuring the weld geometry used in the testing is also that used in the field is clearly shown in reference [61, in which a subtle change in profile produced a change in i value by a factor of 2. Thus, paras. 4.2, 6(b), and 6(f) require the weld contour to be

representative of the installation.

(e) Basis for Requireme,rts. The paragraphs from the Standard that are considered self-explanatory do not have a corresponding


(1) Section 3

(a) Paragraph 3.1. Markl’s test was a cantilever test with the specimen oriented as shown in Fig. 3.1. The intent of the two

diameters is to prevent end effects (stiffening) from affecting the SIF results. Calibration of instrumentation is necessary to

ensure repeatability by independent organizations.


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