ASME B31J:2008 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 17:16

Abstract: ASME B31J:2008 pdf download.Standard Test Method for Determining Stress lntensification Factors(i-Factors) for Metallic Piping Components. (d) The test equipment shall be calibrated to read displacements with an accuracy of 1% of the impose...

ASME B31J:2008 pdf download.Standard Test Method for Determining Stress lntensification Factors(i-Factors) for Metallic Piping


(d) The test equipment shall be calibrated to read displacements with an accuracy of 1% of the imposed displacement ampi itude.

(e) The piping attached directly to the tested component should be a similar schedule to the tested cornponent.

3.2 Test Specimen

11w test specimen may be lower strength carbon steel, such as ASTM A 106 Grade B pipe or ASTM A 234 Grade WPB fittings, and

equivalent plates and Iorgings. corresponding to the ‘UTS <80 ksl” curve In Fig. 5-110.1 of Appendix 5 of Section VIII. Division 2 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure ‘ssel Code. For other materials, the material constant, C, shall be modified as described in

para. 5.1.

The fabrication, welding, and examinations of the tested components shall be the same as will be followed in fabrication of the

component and installation for service. Weld contoum should be representative of thase intended to be used in fabrication and


3.3 Applied Displacement Calibration

(a) The lest specimen shall be pbced in the test assembly and displacements shall be applied in positive steps to obtain a

load-displacement plot analogous to that shown in Fig. 3.3. At kast five points shall be recorded in the linear region of the plot.

(b) The initial loading sequence shall be stopped when it is dear from the load-displacement plot that the recorded load

displacement is no longer linear, i.e.. the loading sequence will require one or two steps into the nonlinear range.

(c) The specimen must then he unloaded, following the same recording sequence as during loading.

(d) Steps (a) through (c) are repeated in the negative direction to approximately the same negative displacement as the loading

sequence reached in (b).


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