ASME PTC 47.4:2015 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 11:11

Abstract: ASME PTC 47.4:2015 pdf download.Power Block of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant. serialize: to assign to an instrument a unique number that is then permanently inscribed on or to the instrument so that it can be identif...

ASME PTC 47.4:2015 pdf download.Power Block of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant.

serialize: to assign to an instrument a unique number that is then permanently inscribed on or to the instrument so that it can be identified and tracked.

specified corrected net power test: a test run at a specified corrected net power that is near to the design value of interest. A

performance test is at the guaranteed point; tests at other points are demonstration tests.

specified reference conditions: the values of all external parameters, i.e., parameters outside the test boundary, to which the

test results are corrected, Also, the specified secondary heat inputs and outputs are specified reference conditions.

standard reference condition: the pressure. temperature, and physical state of a material at which the enthalpy of that material is defined as zero. Standard reference conditions form the basis for comparisons between different sets of data. The choice of

standard reference conditions is arbitrary, although water and steam properties are typically compiled at the triple point of

water, 273.16 K 10.01°C (32.018°F)). See also reference conditions and test conditions.

supplemental fa’I: fuel burned to supply additional energy to the steam generator or to support combustion.

synthesis gas (vngas): the gas produced by partial oxidation of the hydrocarbon feed. Raw syngas is gas that has not undergone

contaminant removal; clean syngas has had the bulk of impurities removed. The primary use of this gas is to fuel a gas turbine.

sysb’niatic error: see error, ystematk.

test: a single run or the combination of a series of runs for the purpose of determining performance characteristics. A test normally consists of two runs.

test tundar: thermodynamic control volume for which the mass and energy streams must be determined to calculate corrected results.

test conditions: the pressures, temperatures, and other properties of streams measured during a Code test. Test conditions should

be as close as possible to reference conditions. See also reference conditions and standard reference condition.

test reading: one time-coincident recording of all required test instrumentation for the purpose of determining performance


test run: a group of test readings.


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