ASME PTC 47.1:2017 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 11:09

Abstract: ASME PTC 47.1:2017 pdf download.Cryogenic Air Separation Unit of anlntegrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant. air-integrated air sepa ration unit: an air separation process unit that receives all or a part of the ASh air-feed requi...

ASME PTC 47.1:2017 pdf download.Cryogenic Air Separation Unit of anlntegrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant.

air-integrated air sepa ration unit: an air separation process unit that receives all or a part of the ASh air-feed requirement

from a source external to the ASU block An example is extraction of a portion olthe compressed air from a gas turbine for supply to the ASU.

air pret reatment: the removal of water, carbon dioxide, and some hydrocarbon contaminants from the compressed air stream prior to processing in the cryogenic sections of the ASh. Pretreatment is usually based on a cyclical adsorption/ desorption.based

(molecular sieve—based), near-ambient-temperature process using heated dry nitrogen produced by the ASh for regeneration of the


air sepa ration unit (MU): a process unit that separates air-feed source(s) into primary gaseous product streams enriched in oxygen and/or nitrogen. Secondary product streams enriched in argon or liquid streams may also be produced.

ASU effectiveness: the net power consumed within the ASh test boundary divided by the total flow of pressurized product streams

exiting the ASh test boundary.

auxiliary load: an electrical load within the ASh that is not consumed in the compression of air or product streams. Examples

include cooling tower, pumps, mechanical chilling equipment, and power-producing expansion equipment.

booster air compressor: a compressor that takes a pressurized air stream as feed and compresses it to the operating pressure of the ASh. The compressor may supply all or a part of the air requirement of the ASh.

cold box: an enclosure containing cryogenic equipment that is part of the ASU.

main air compressor (MAC): a compressor or series ofcompressors that takes ambient air as feed and compresses it to the operating

pressure of the ASh. The compressor(s) may supply all or a part of the air requirement of the ASh.

noninteg rated airseparotson unit: an ASh that uses an air separation process that is not air-integrated with the gas turbine or

other sources of air, i.e., it has its own supply of feed air.


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