ASME B107.18:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 16:51

Abstract: ASME B107.18:2003 pdf download.PLIERS: WIRE TWISTER. Wue twister ptiers shall Lncorporate a device, which, when actuated, will cause the pliers to rotate about its axis. The halves of the pliers shell be permanenlly poined with a through fa...

ASME B107.18:2003 pdf download.PLIERS: WIRE TWISTER.

Wue twister ptiers shall Lncorporate a device, which, when actuated, will cause the pliers to rotate about its  axis. The halves of the pliers shell be permanenlly poined with a through fastener that shall act as the pivot or fulcrum point of the pliers. A

locking drvke, when engaged, shall hold the handles In a dced pohon in such a mannex as to cause the jaws to firmly and securely

grip and hold stinds of lock wire.

A wire derance opcrtin8 shall be provided between the twv jaws and located between the gripping and cutting areas of the jaws This opening shall be of a size and desgn which will peruit the user to swiftly and easily deflect double strands of wire out of the

sides of the jaws and away from the cutting edges when performing continuous (multipk) lock wiring oratwns. The nose design shall

be as shown in Fgs.I through 4 arid blend with the radius of the sides of the pliers in accordance with good coinnrciai practi. The maximum permissihte opening at the top of the jaws, when dosed, shall be as shown in Figs. 1 arid 2

5.2 Matettal

The materials used in the manufacture of the pliers shall be such as to produce pliexs conforming to the requirements specified


5.3 FInish

Surfaces shall have a rust preventive Izeatnent and be e.entiaily free from pits, nodules, bwrs, aicks, and other conditions that

would adversely affect the performar e or safety of the tool. Wher. provided, coatings shill be adherent, smooth.,

and free from any conditions that would interfere with their prntetive value, safety. and function.


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