ASME B30.6:2020 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 11:10

Abstract: ASME B30.6:2020 pdf download.Derricks. Chicago boom derrick: a boom that is attached to a structure, an outside upright member of the host structure serving as the mast, and the boom being mounted in a pivoting seat secured to the upright....

ASME B30.6:2020 pdf download.Derricks.

Chicago boom derrick: a boom that is attached to a structure, an outside upright member of the host structure serving as the mast, and the boom being mounted in a pivoting seat secured to the upright. The derrick is complete with load, boom, and boom point

swing line falls (see FIgure 6-0.2.1-4).

gin pole derrick: a derrick without a boom that has guys arranged from the mast top to permit leaning the mast in one or more

directions. The load Is lifted and lowered by ropes reeved through sheaves or blocks at the top of the mast and the lower block

(see Figure,

guy derrick: a fixed derrick consisting of a mast capable of being rotated 360 deg, but not continuous rotation, supported in a

vertical position by guys, and a boom, the bottom end of which Is hinged or pivoted to move in a vertical plane with a reeved rope between the head of the mast and the boom harness for lifting and lowering the boom, and a reeved rope from the boom point for

lifting and lowering the load (see Figure 6-

shearleg derrick: a derrick with a boom suspended from a mast or A-frame, not capable of swinging, hinged at the bottom and raised and lowered by a hoist mechanism or a hydraulic cylinder (see Figure 6-0.2.1-7).

stiffleg derrick: a derrick similar to a guy derrick, except that the mast Is supported or held In place by two or more stiff

members, called stifflegs, which are capable of resisting either tensile or compressive forces. Sills are generally provided to

connect the lower ends of the stilt- legs to the foot of the mast (see Figure 6-0.2.1-8).


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