ASME B30.3:2004 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 11:08

Abstract: ASME B30.3:2004 pdf download.Construction Tower Cranes. Within the general scope as defined in Section 1, B30,3 applies to construction tower cranes, powered by electric motors or internal combustion engines, and any variations thereof whic...

ASME B30.3:2004 pdf download.Construction Tower Cranes.

Within the general scope as defined in Section 1, B30,3 applies to construction tower cranes, powered by electric motors or

internal combustion engines, and any variations thereof which retain the same fundamental characteristics. The scope includes

cranes of the above type that adjust operating radius by means of a boom lulling mechanism, or by mean.s of a trolley traversing a horizontal boom, or by means of a combination of the two. Construction tower cranes may be mounted on fixed or traveling bases.

Additional mounting means may include arrangcmcnLs that permit the crane to climb in the structure being built, or that permit

increasing the tower height as the structure rises and utilizing braces attached to the host structure as needed.

The requirements of this volume are applicable only to cranes when used in lifting work. Permanently mounted tower cranes (refer to ASME B3414) and mobile crane tower attachments (refer to ASME B30.5) are not within the scope of this volume.


3-0.2.1 Types of Cranes

(a) By Ti,pe of Application

construction tower crane: a hammerhead, lulling, or other type of tower crane that is regularly assembled and disassembled for use at various sites. It is usually charactcrizcd by provisions to facilitate erection and dismantling and may include features to

permit climbing or telescoping.

pcrrnare;zt1 moutcd tower crane: a hammerhead, lulling, or other type of tower crane that is erected for longer term use at one

location, (five years or more). The con figuration of the crane usually remains unchanged during the entire installation period.

Permanently mounted tower cranes are covered under ASME B30.4.


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