IEC 60244-15:1999 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 17:42

Abstract: IEC 60244-15:1999 pdf free download.Methods of measurement for radio transmitters -Part 15: Amplitude-modulated transmitters for sound broadcasting. This part of IEC 60244 contains the methods of measurement to assess the performance charac...

IEC 60244-15:1999 pdf free download.Methods of measurement for radio transmitters -Part 15: Amplitude-modulated transmitters for

sound broadcasting.

This part of IEC 60244 contains the methods of measurement to assess the performance characteristics of amplitude-modulated

transmitters for sound broadcasting in the LF, MF and HF bands.

This standard is intended to be used for type tests and acceptance or factory tests.

Fewer or addihonal measurements may be carried out by agreement between customer and manufacturer. Any additional measurements

should preferably be in accordance with relevant standards published by the IEC or by other international bodies.

This part of IEC 60244 does not specify limiting values for acceptable performance as these are usually given in the equipmenl

specification or in requirements laid down by the responsible regulating bodies. However. some values are quoted, where

appropriate, for guidance in the presentation of the results.


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