IEC 60130-17:1998 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 17:25

Abstract: IEC 60130-17:1998 pdf free download.Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz-Part 17: Detail specification for interconnection devices which permit multi-directional mating,for use with rechargeable batteries. 1.4 MarkIng 1.4.1 On each connec...

IEC 60130-17:1998 pdf free download.Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz-Part 17: Detail specification for interconnection

devices which permit multi-directional mating,for use with rechargeable batteries.

1.4 MarkIng

1.4.1 On each connector

Each connector shall have the identification of the number one contact position marked as indicated on the fixed connector in this detail specification.

Additional markings shall include the following information:

a) mark of origin (manufacturer’s name or trade mark);

b) year and month (Or week) of manufacture:

C) IEC type designation, according to clause 2.

However, since the number of characters this requires may exceed the limitation Imposed by computer processing systems, the

manufacturer may use his own pan number, providing that a cross-reference list is made available.

If space does not permit full marking, as much as possible of the information, in the order shown, shall be included.


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