IEC 60107-4:1999 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 11:47

Abstract: IEC 60107-4:1999 pdf free download.Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 4: Electrical measurements on multichannel sound television receivers using the two-carrier FM-system. 5 Identi...

IEC 60107-4:1999 pdf free download.Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 4: Electrical measurements on multichannel sound television receivers using the two-carrier FM-system.

5 Identification signal modulation

Identilication signal modulation denotes that modulation component of the second sound carrier which is used to switch the decoder incorporated in the receiver into one of the three modes of operation.

6 Modes of operation

The following modes of operation are used for audio-reproduction.

6.1 Dualsound mode

In the dual•sound mode, two independent monophonic sound signals are transmitted. It Is possible to reproduce the signal of either channel alone, or those of both channels together.

The first Sound carrier transmits the audio signal which is compatible with monaural receivers. the second Sound carrier transmits the additional monaural signal.

6.2 StereophonIc mode

A stereophonic sound signal is reproduced in the stereophonic mode. Here the first sound carrier transmits the compatible monaural signal while the second sound carrier transmits the right channel signal. Both the left and the right channel signals are then

restored by means of a dematrixing Circuit.


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