IEC 60079-25:2010 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 11:22

Abstract: IEC 60079-25:2010 pdf free download.Explosive atmospheres - Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical systems. 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations 3.1 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definiti...

IEC 60079-25:2010 pdf free download.Explosive atmospheres - Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical systems.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions, specific to intrinsically safe electrical systems. apply.

They supplement the terms and definitions which are given in IEC 60079-0 and IEC 60079-11.


Intrinsically safe electrical system

assembly of interconnected items of electrical apparatus, described in a descriptive system document, in which the circuits or

parts of circuits, intended to be used in an explosive atmosphere, are intrinsically safe circuits


certified intrinsically safe electrical system

intrinsically safe electrical system conforming to 3.1.1 for which a certificate has been issued confirming that the electrical

system complies with IEC 60079-25.


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