IEC 60073:2002 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 11:07

Abstract: IEC 60073:2002 pdf free download.Basic and safety principles for man-machineinterface, marking and identification - Coding principies for indicators and actuators. increase the safety of persons,property and/or the environment through the...

IEC 60073:2002 pdf free download.Basic and safety principles for man-machineinterface, marking and identification - Coding

principies for indicators and actuators.

increase the safety of persons,property and/or the environment through the safemonitoring and control of the equipment or process;

- facililate the proper monitoring, control and maintenance of the equipment or process;- facilitate the rapid recognition of

control conditions and actuator positions.

This standard is for general application:

from simpie cases such as singie indicaior iigits,pusir-bulions,mechanicai indicators,light emitting diodes (LEDs) or video

display screens to cxtensive control stations whichmay include a wide variety of devices for controlling an equipment or process;

NOTE Application of the general coding principles for displays on screens should be carried out withoutmodification.

where the safety of pcrsons,property andlor the environment is involved,and also wherethe above-mentioned codes are used to

facilitate the proper monitoring and controlling otequipment:

where a particular kind of coding is to be assigned by a technical committee to a specialfunction.


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