IEC 60050-445:2002 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 10:57

Abstract: IEC 60050-445:2002 pdf free download.International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 445: Specified time all-or-nothing relays. In the past, IEC 60050-446(Part 446 of the lEV') listed the terminology for all types of electricalrelays. In ord...

IEC 60050-445:2002 pdf free download.International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 445: Specified time all-or-nothing relays.

In the past, IEC 60050-446(Part 446 of the lEV') listed the terminology for all types of electricalrelays. In order to improve the precision of terms and definitions as well as the general visibilityof relay terminology, it had been decided to split that part

of the IEV into three separate partsoptimised for the specific relay types covered.

Therefore,this part of IEC 60050 gives terms and definitions for (specified) time relayssuperseding the terminology of lEC 60050-446 for such relays. The terminology for elementaryrelays (non-specified time all-or-nothing relays) is contained in IEC 60050-444

established inparallel with this part. A new part for measuring relays and protection equipment (IEC 60050-447)is also under

preparation. When all these thiree parts are published,IEC 60050-446 shall bewithdrawn.


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