ISO/EC 29341-13:2010 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 17:18

Abstract: ISO/EC 29341-13:2010 pdf free download.lnformation technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 13-10: Device Security Device Control Protocol - Device Security Service. The logic of operation. from the point of view of the security-aware d...

ISO/EC 29341-13:2010 pdf free download.lnformation technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 13-10: Device Security Device

Control Protocol - Device Security Service.

The logic of operation. from the point of view of the security-aware device, is as follows:

If a device has a display or printing capability and also has a source of randomness, then it is preferable for the device to

generate a new password and new public kcy pair on any power-up when it is in factory reset state. It would then display or print

the generated password and the hash of the new public key. For devices without those abilities, the password and public key pair

will have been created by the manufacturer and will remain constant over the lifetime of the device. In that case, the manufacturer will have printed the password and the Security ID (hash of the device’s public key) on a card or a label attached to the device

case, or both. The password does not need to he longer than about 6 upper case alphanumeric characters, provided it was generated

randomly for that device and is used by TakeOwnership shortly after the device is plugged into the network. (Note: passwords or

keys are not to be used in common across a set of devices. Such usage would be a security flaw).


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