IEC 60505:2011 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 16:38

Abstract: IEC 60505:2011 pdf free download.Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems. 3.1.4 candidate EIS EIS under evaluation to determine its service capability (with regard to electrical, thermal. mechanical, environmental or m...

IEC 60505:2011 pdf free download.Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems.


candidate EIS

EIS under evaluation to determine its service capability (with regard to electrical, thermal. mechanical, environmental or

multifactor stresses)


intended life

design life of an EIS under service conditions


estimated life

expected service life derived from either service experience or the results of tests performed in accordance with appropriate

evaluation procedures, or both, as established by the responsible organization or technical committee



establishment of relationships between service requirements and life data obtained from service experience analysis or from the

results of functional tests

3.2 Terms related to service stresses and ageing


ageing stress

electrical, thermal, mechanical or environmental stress whose action on an EIS causes irreversible property changes


potentially destructive stress

stress in service which can cause the failure of the aged EIS. alone or in combination with other stresses.


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