IEC 62278:2002 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 12:24

Abstract: IEC 62278:2002 pdf free download.Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of reliability,availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS). Performance level C is intended for printed boards used in products where continued perf...

IEC 62278:2002 pdf free download.Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of reliability,availability,

maintainability and safety (RAMS).

Performance level C is intended for printed boards used in products where continued performance is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated or the equipment is a life- support item (for example, medical electronics, automotive engine part, etc). These

boards incur much higher costs due to the required materials, process complexity, inspection and testing.

Performance level X is available for use by manufacturers and their customers where levels A, B and C do not adequately address the needs of their product and/or business. The levels of capability demonstration and requirements bc quality conformance inspection

shall be defined in a capability detail specification registered by the IEC.


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