IEC 62107:2000 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 11:20

Abstract: IEC 62107:2000 pdf free download.Super video compact disc - Disc-interchange system-specification. Hex — All hexadecimal values are preceded by a $. The most significant nibble is on the left. the least significant nibble is on the right....

IEC 62107:2000 pdf free download.Super video compact disc - Disc-interchange system-specification.

Hex — All hexadecimal values are preceded by a $. The most significant nibble is on the left. the least significant nibble is on

the right.

Binary — Binary values are preceded by a % or presented within single quotation marks ‘

The most significant bit is on the left, the least significant bit is on the right. A binary value is represented by a 0, 1 or x

where x is a 0 or a 1.

Decimal — All decimal values are preceded by a blank space or the range indicator (..) when included in a range. The most significant digit is on the left, the least significant digit is on the right.

Units of measure — 1 K denotes 1 024 units.

Range — Constant_i..Constant_2 or (Constantl..Constant_2) denotes the range from and including Constant_i up to and including

Constant_2, in increments of 1.

Ordering within tables — The items within a table are contiguous, starting with the top line from the left to the right item, then the next line from the left to the right item, and so on, down to and including the bottom line from the left to the right item.

3.4 Compatibility conventions

The SuperVCD specification is intended to ensure full compatibility, so that all discs can play. with at least those functions

designated as mandatory in the SuperVCD specifications, in all compliant playback devices.


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