IEC 60831-1:2002 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 11:06

Abstract: IEC 60831-1:2002 pdf free download.Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing typefor having a rated voltage up to and including 1 000 v-Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating -Safety requirements - Guide for installa...

IEC 60831-1:2002 pdf free download.Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing typefor having a rated voltage up to and

including 1 000 v-Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating -Safety requirements - Guide for installationand operation.


residual voltage

the voltage remaining on the terminals of a capacitor at a certain time following disconnection

4 Service conditions

4.1 Normal service conditions

This standard gives requirements for capacitors intended br use in the following Conditions:

a) Residual voltage at energizatron

Not to exceed 10 $ rated voltage (clause 22. clause 32. and annex B).

b) Altitude

Not exceeding 2000 m.

C) Ambient air temperature categories

Capacitors are classified In temperature categories, each category being specified by a number followed by a letter. The number

represents the lowest ambient air temperature at which the capacitor may operate

The letters represent upper limits of temperature variation ranges, having maximum values specified in table 1. The temperature

categories cover the temperature range of —50 C to +55 C.

The lowest ambient air temperature at which the capacitor may be operated should be chosen from the five preferred values +5 C, —5 C, —25 C, —40 C. —50 C.

For indoor use, a lower limit of —5 C is normally applicable.

Table I is based on service conditions In which the capacitor does not Influence the ambient air temperature (for example outdoor



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