ASME B16.18:2021 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-27 10:42

Abstract: ASME B16.18:2021 pdf download.Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings. 5 MARKING Each fitting shall be permanently marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark and other applicable markings as required by MSS SP-25. Marking o...

ASME B16.18:2021 pdf download.Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings.


Each fitting shall be permanently marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark and other applicable markings as required by

MSS SP-25. Marking of fittings less than Standard Water Tube Size or on any fitting where it damages soldering surfaces is not


Fittings manufactured from cast copper alloys containing silicon shall be permanently marked with the designation Si.

Fittings manufactured from cast copper alloys containing bismuth shall be permanently marked with the designation B or Hi


(a) Castings intended for use in applications up to 400°F (204°C) shall be of a copper alloy produced to meet

(1) the requirement of ASTM 862 Alloy C83600

(2) the tensile requirements of ASTM B584 Alloy C83800 or C84400 and, in all other respects, shall comply with the requirements of ASTM 862

(b) Castings intended for use in potable water dpplications up to 200°F (93°C) shall be low lead (0,25% or less) and shall be

(1) ola copper alloy produced to meet the requirements of ASTM 8584 Alloy C87850 or C89833. or

(2) of other cast copper alloys, provided the fittings produced meet mechanical .ind corrosion-resistant properties needed for

potable water application


DimensIoiLI variations occur in the casting process. Pattern equipment shall be designed to produce the metal thickness given for

fittings in Table 8.2-2. The minimum wall thickness shall be not less than 90% of the body and joint wall thickness as shown in

Table 8.2-2.


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