ASME A120.1:2006 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 17:57

Abstract: ASME A120.1:2006 pdf download.Safety Requirements for Powered Platforms and Traveling Ladders and Gantries for Building Maintenance. four-rope suspended platform: a platform suspended by four load carrying wire ropes arranged such that the...

ASME A120.1:2006 pdf download.Safety Requirements for Powered Platforms and Traveling Ladders and Gantries for

Building Maintenance.

four-rope suspended platform: a platform suspended by four load carrying wire ropes arranged such that the failure of any one support rope or its fastenings will not cause the platform to upset (substantially alter the normal

position). (Also known as four rope, four line, and utulti-n,pe. See two-rope spended platform.)

ground rigging: a method of suspending a self-powered working platform from a safe horizontal surface to an

acceptable point of suspension above the safe surface.

guide roller: a rotating cylindrical member, operating sep.arately or as a part of a guide assembly, that provides continuous engagement between the suspended or supported equipment and the building guides.

guide shoe: equivalent to guide rollers, except shoes provide a sliding contact between the building guides and

the shoe.

hotsling machine: a device intended to raise and lower a suspended or supported unit.

installation: the total affected parts of a building and the equipment associated with the intended operation.

interlock: a device to ensure operations or motions in proper sequence.

ml crnzittent ion: a means to stabilize a suspended unit by securing the suspension rope(s) to

vertically spaced building anchors.

urn yard: a flexible line used to secure a wearer of a safety belt or harness to a dropline, lifeline, or fixed anchorage. lifrline: see droplinc.

live ad (static): the total static weight of personnel, tools, parts, and supplies that the equipment is

designed to support.

multiple wrap (layer) drum hoist: a type of hoisting machine that accumulates the suspension wire rope in more

than one successive layer on the surface of the drum of the hoist.

nondestructive tests: those tests required to ensure the reliability or soundness of a product but which do not

have a detrimental effect on the product.


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