ASME A112.6.3:2001 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 17:51

Abstract: ASME A112.6.3:2001 pdf download.FLOOR AND TRENCH DRAINS. 5.1.4 Extra Heavy Duty. Grates having sate live load (as calculated in piara. 5.2.5) between 7.500 lb (3375 kg) and 10.000 lb (4500 kg). 5.1.5 Special Duty. (iratcs having sate live l...

ASME A112.6.3:2001 pdf download.FLOOR AND TRENCH DRAINS.

5.1.4 Extra Heavy Duty. Grates having sate live load (as calculated in piara. 5.2.5) between 7.500 lb (3375 kg) and 10.000 lb (4500 kg).

5.1.5 Special Duty. (iratcs having sate live load las calculated in para. 5.2.5t over 10,0(X) lb (45(X) kg) shall be considered special duty.

52 Test Procedure for Grate Loading

Sate live load requirements. as listed in pant. 5.1 shall he determined as follows:

5.2.1 Load Classifications. Load classifications as slated in Pua. 5.1 shall he delennincd by laboratory tests.

5.2.2 Platen Size, A 3.5 in. tS9 mm) slinineter platen shall be applied to the center of the grate specinsely

5.2.3 Loading. Loading shall be applied slowly so that point of lailure can be obseved.

5.2.4 PoInt of Failure

(a) Brink Materials (Ceoi Irv.’e). The poitu of failure of brittle materials shall be the load (in pounds or

kilograms) at which the first fracture on any pan of the specimen appears.

hj Dw-:ik Matt’riaL The point of failure of ductile materials shall be the load at which the permanent set tat

the pornt of loading) is greater than 2 of the longest transverse dimens,on at the specimen.

5.2.5 Safe Live Load. The masinium safe live load shall be computed by dividing the load at failure by two.


6.1 Materials

The item.s cosred in this S;.md*rd shall be of the material specified and shall meet all applicable requirements

and standards given herein. The castings for these drains shall he sound, free o blow holes. cold shuts, and other imperfections. and shall be of uniform wall thickness and true to pattern. They shall also be clean and free of

fins. It shall not be the Intent of this Standard to limit cccptabk materials to those included in this section.


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