ASME A112.19.19:2006 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 17:30

Abstract: ASME A112.19.19:2006 pdf download.Vitreous China Nonwater Urinals. discoloration: a colored spot over in. (6 mm) in maximum dimension or a sufficient number of specks or spots to give the effect of a change in color. dull or eggshell finish...

ASME A112.19.19:2006 pdf download.Vitreous China Nonwater Urinals.

discoloration: a colored spot over in. (6 mm) in maximum dimension or a sufficient number of specks or spots to

give the effect of a change in color.

dull or eggshell finish: dead or flat finish, undeveloped glaze, or a semi-glazed finish with numerous very fine

pinholes or slightly matted in appearance, not glossy; not to be confused with a satin or matte finish used for

decorative purposes.

dun!: a hairline fracture extending through the body and caused by strains set up in the process of manufacture.

exposed body: unglazed portion in. (2 mm) or more in maximum dimension.

finish: texture and condition of surface other than color. fire check: fine shallow crack in the body not covered with glaze (when covered with glaze so as to be easily cleaned, it is not detrimental).

first qualihi: first-class ware in conformance with the grade limitations and other requirements of this Standard. Shall also be permitted to be called grade-’A” ware.

fixture: the china piece only, without trim.

flood level: the portion of a plumbing fixture that will spiii over when the fixture drain is shut or constricted.

glaze: the smooth, glass-like ceramic coating on a ‘itreous china surface that imparts impermeability and covers the body.

notuvater consu?nsng urinal: a plumbing fixture that is designed to receive and convey only liquid waste through a trap seal into the gravity drainage system without the use of water for such function.

permanent niarkings: permanent shall mean fired, cast, sandblasted, etched, stamped, or otherwise not removable

except by excessive work or extraordinary means.


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