ASME A90.1:2015 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 16:48

Abstract: ASME A90.1:2015 pdf download.Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts....

ASME A90.1:2015 pdf download.Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts.

4.3 Landings

4.3.1 Vertical Clearance. The clearance between the floor or mounting platform and the lower edge for the

underfloor hood above it required by para 4.4 shall be riot less than 7 ft 6 in (2 285 mm). Where this clearance

cannot be obtained, no access to the manlift shall be provided, and the manlift runway shall be enclosed where it passes through such floor. The enclosure shall be equipped with an emergency exit.

4.3.2 Clear Landing Space. The landing space adjacent to the floor openings shafl be free from obstruction and

kept dear at all times. The landing space shall be at least 2 ft (610 mm) in width from the edge of the floor

opening used for mounting and dismounting (see Figs. 2 and 3).

4.3.3 LightIng of Adequate lighting, not Less than 5 fc (54 lx). shall be provided at each floor landing at all times when the lift Is in operation.

4.3.4 Landing Surface. The landing surface at the entrances and exits to the manuift shaLl be constructed and maintained to provide safe footing at all times.

4.3.5 Emergency Landings. Where there Is a travel of SOft (15 m) or more between floor landings, one or more

emergency landing(s) shall be provided so that there is a landing (either floor or emergency) for every 25 ft

(73m) or less of manlift travel.

(a) Emergency landings shall be accessible from both the up- and down-runs of the manhft and shall give access to the ladder as required in para. 4.8.

(6) Emergency landings shall be provided with standard railings and toeboards.

(c) Platforms constructed to give access to bucket elevators or other equipment for the purpose of inspection.

lubrication, and repair may also serve as emergency Landings under this paragraph. AU such platforms shall then be considered part of the emergency landing and provided with standard railings and toeboards.

4.4 hoods on Underside of floor Openings

4.4.1 Flasd Typo. On the up-side of the manlilt flooc openings shall be provided with an underfloor hood meeting

the foUowing requirements (see Fig. 4).


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