ASME A17.8:2016 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 16:40

Abstract: ASME A17.8:2016 pdf download.Standard for wind turbine tower elevators. Hoistway enclosure — the fixed structure consisting of vertical walls or partitions that isolates the hoistway from all other areas or from an adjacent hoistway and i...

ASME A17.8:2016 pdf download.Standard for wind turbine tower elevators.

Hoistway enclosure — the fixed structure consisting of vertical walls or partitions that isolates the hoistway

from all other areas or from an adjacent hoistway and in which entrances are installed.

Installation — a complete elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator, matenal lift, or moving walk, including its hoistway, hoistway enclosures and related construction, and all machinery and equipment necessary for its Operation.

Labeled/mariced — equipment or material to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an approved or accredited independent certifying organization, concerned with product evaluation, that

maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled/marked equipment or material, and by whose labeling/marking the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.

Note: For the purpose of this definition, accredited meons that on organization has been evaluated and approved by an Authorized Agency to operate a Certification/Usting program, and is designated as such in a publication of the Authorized Agency.

Landing. elevator or material lift — that portion of a floor, balcony, or platform used to receive and discharge passengers or freight.

Landing, bottom terminal — the lowest landing served by the elevator or material lift that is equipped with a

hoistway entrance.

Landing, top terminal — the highest landing served by the elevator or material lift that is equipped with a

hoistway entrance.

Listed/certified — equipment or materials accepted for inclusion in a publication by a certifying organization.

Note: The means for identifying fisted/certified equipment may vary for each organization concerned with product

evaluation, some of which do riot recogmze equipment as listed/certified unless it is also labeled/marked. The

authority having jurisdiction utilizes the system employed by the listing/certifying organization to identify a

listed/ certified product.

Load, dynamic — the load applied as a result of acceleration or deceleration.

Load, impact — a suddenly applied load.

Load, static — the load applied as a result of the weight.

Machine, driving — the power unit that applies the energy necessary to drive an elevator or other equipment

covered by the scope of this Code.


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