ASME A17.6:2010 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 16:17

Abstract: ASME A17.6:2010 pdf download.Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation, and Governor Systems. ResIdual Strength. The actual breaking strength of a suspension member at any time during its operatonal life cycle. NOTE: The resi...

ASME A17.6:2010 pdf download.Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation, and Governor Systems. ResIdual Strength. The actual breaking strength of a suspension member at any time during its operatonal life cycle.

NOTE: The residual !arcngth will he reduced a the suspension member is used aed is subrctrd to wear. Rope Stretch (Extension) Constructional Stretch (Extension). The amount of extension that is attributed to the initial bedding

down of wires within the strands and the strands within the rope due to ksading. Initial extension cannot be

determined by calculatioa ElastIc Stretch (Extension). The amount of recoverable extension that follows Hooke’s Law within cert.

in limits due to application of a load. Permanent Stretch (Extension). Nonelastic extension.

1.3.5 Rope Manufacture

1.3.5,1 Preformation Preformed Rope. Rope in which the wires and strands in the rope will not, after removal of any seizing (serving), spring out of thc rope formation, Nonpreformed Rope. Rope in which the wires and strands in the rope will, after removal of any setzing

(serving), spring out of the rope formation. Prestretching. The ilame given ba process that results in the removal of a limited amount of

constructional stretch. ProductIon Length. The length of rope marsufactured in one continuous operation from one loading of the

closing machine comprising strands, each of which has been produced in one continuous operation on the stranding

machine. A production length may comprise one or more reels of rope

1.3.6 Values Nominal Value. The conventional value by which a physical characteristic is designated. Actual (Measured) Value. Value derived from direct measurement in a prescribed manner. Minimum Value. Specified value that an actual value must meet or exceed.

1364 Maximum Value. Specified value that an actual value must not exceed.

1.3.7 Rope Degradation Normal Wear. Ropes showing wear equally on all strands around the circumference of the rope.


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