ASME B18.2.5M:2009 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 18:17

Abstract: ASME B18.2.5M:2009 pdf download.Metric 12-Point Flange Screws. 14 BODY DIAMETER The diameter of the body, D, on screws that are not threaded full length shall be within the limits specified in Table 1, unless the purchaser specifies screws...

ASME B18.2.5M:2009 pdf download.Metric 12-Point Flange Screws.


The diameter of the body, D, on screws that are not threaded full length shall be within the limits specified in Table 1, unless

the purchaser specifies screws with reduced dianseter body. For screws threaded lull length. the diameter of the unthreaded shank

under the head shall neither exceed the maximum body diameter, 1), maximum, specified in Table I, nor be less than the minimum body diameter, 0. minimum, specified in Table 4 or 5. Screws of nominal lengths equal to or greater than the shortest nominal lengths

specified in Table 6 may be obtained with reduced diameter body. if so specified. Where reduced diameter body (or “Type R”) is

specified, the body diameter, D2, shall be within the limits specified in Table 6. The screw shall have a shoulder under the head. The diameter, V, and length, 1,2, of the shoulder shall be as sped lied in Table 6.


The length of the screw is the distance, parallel to the axis of the screw, from the plane formed by the underhead hearing circle

diameter to the extreme end of the screw. Tolerances for screw lengths are specified in Table 7.


The end of the screw shall be chamfered or rounded at the manufacturer’s option from approximately 0.40 mm below the minordiameter of the thread. The length of the point to the first full.formed thread at major diameter. as determined by the distance the point

cnters into a cylindrical NOT GO major diameter ring gage, shall not exceed U maximum, specified in Table 8. The end of the screw

shall be reasonably square with the axis of the screw, and where pointed blanks arc used, the slight rim or cup resulting from roll threading shall be permissible. At the manufacturer’s option, the end of the screw may have a rounded point of radius, R,, as

specified in Table 8.


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