ASME B31.8a:2000 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 17:00

Abstract: ASME B31.8a:2000 pdf download.Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines. 814.2 Steel. Cast Iron, and Ductile Iron Piping Components Specific requirements for thcsc piping components that qualify under para. 811.1(a) arc found in Chapter II...

ASME B31.8a:2000 pdf download.Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines.

814.2 Steel. Cast Iron, and Ductile Iron Piping Components

Specific requirements for thcsc piping components that qualify under para. 811.1(a) arc found in Chapter III.


Except for the piping components and structural materials listed in Appendices A and C. it is not intended to include in this Code complete specifications for equipment. Certain details of design and fabrication, however, necessarily refer to equipment. such as pipe hangers. vibration dampeners. electrical facilities, engines. compressors, etc. Partial specifications for such equipment

items are given herein, particularly if they affect the safety of the piping system in which they are to he installed. In other

cases where thc Code gives no specifications for the particular equipment item, the intent is that the safety provisions of the

Code shall govern, insofar as they are applicable. In any case, the safety of equipment installed in a piping system shall be

equivalent to that of other parts of the same system.


Any pipe having an outer-diameter-to-wall thickness ratio of 70 to I or more, that is to be used in a pipeline at a hoop stress of 2O7 or more of the specified minimum yield strength that has been or will be transported by railroad, inland waterway, or by

marine transportation, must have been or shall be loaded in accordance with API RPSLI or APT RPSLW. respectively. Where it is not

possible to establish that pipe was transported in accordance with the appropriate recommended practice, the pipe must be

hydrostatically tested for at least 2 hr to at least 1.25 times the maximum allowable operating pressure if Installed in a Class I location, or to at least 1.5 times the maximum allowable operating pressure if installed in a Class 2, 3, or 4 location.


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