ASME B18.31.2:2014 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 12:19

Abstract: ASME B18.31.2:2014 pdf download.Continuous Thread Stud, Double-End Stud, and Flange Bolting Stud (Stud Bolt) (Inch Series). Unless otherwise specified, nonferrous studs shall conform to the requirements of a designated ahoy in ASTM F468. 11...

ASME B18.31.2:2014 pdf download.Continuous Thread Stud, Double-End Stud, and Flange Bolting Stud (Stud Bolt) (Inch Series).

Unless otherwise specified, nonferrous studs shall conform to the requirements of a designated ahoy in

ASTM F468.

11.2 Materials for Flange Bolting Studs (Stud Bolts)

Range boiling studs may Lw supplied to any grade covered by the following ASTM material standards:

A 193/ A 193M, A320/ A320M, A437/ A437M, A453/ A453M, A540/A540M, or A1014/A1OI4M.


Markings shall 1w located on either the ends or the bodies of the studs unless otherwise specified.

12.1 Property Class Symbol

Each stud shall Lw marked in accordance with the requirements of the applicable specification (see section 11) for its chemical and mechanical requirements. For tap-end studs, the material propert class smbol shall be marked on the nut end or the body.

12.2 Source Symbols

Each stud of a size requiring marking, based on its specified material standard, shall be marked to identify its source

(manufacturer or private label distributor).


Unless otherwise specified, studs other than corrosion-resistant stainless steels shall be supplied with a natural (as-processed)

finish, unplated or uncoated, in a clean condition, and lightly oiled. Studs produced from corrosion-resistant stainless steels

shall he passivated in accordance wilh ASTM A3$O.

Matings and coatings are not recommended for interference-fit studs.

Requirements for zinc plating are contained in ASTM

F 1941.


Unless otherwise specified, studs shall be free from surface imperfections such as burrs, seams, laps, loose scale, or other

irregularities that could affect serviceability.Surface discontinuities shall comply with the requirements of ASTM F788/F788M.


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