ASME QAI-1:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 11:23

Abstract: ASME QAI-1:2003 pdf download.QUALIFICATIONS FOR AUTHORIZED INSPECTION. 1-1.2.4 Give written notice to all Authorized Nuclearlnspectors of the name, office address,and office andhome phone numbers of their respective Supervisors.1-1.2.5Assur...


1-1.2.4 Give written notice to all Authorized Nuclearlnspectors of the name, office address,and office andhome phone numbers of their respective Supervisors.1-1.2.5Assure proper execution of responsibilities.In particular, the Agency shall:

a) establish and implement an internal programwhich shall provide assuirance that those of its employ-ees holding the positions of Supervisor and AuthorizedNuclear Inspector perform work in accordance with therequirements of Part 1 of this Standard. This

programshall be documented by written policies, procedures, orinstructions and shall be carried out throughout the lifeteran of any agreement covering irspectiuris required byihe ASME Code, in accordance with the program. THheprogram shall provide for

indoctrination and trainingof personnel performing such activitics, as necessary, toassure that suitable proficicncy is achieved

and main-tained.

b) provide instructions in writing to AuthorizedNuclear Inspectors and their Supervisors, specifyingtheir respective duties and


c) provide instructions in writing to AuthorizedNuclear Inspectors requiring them to immediately con-tact their Supervisor whenever the Inspector is unableto readily resolve any question concerning ASME Codecompliance, manufacturing procedure, or quality

assur-ance provision or its impiementation. instructionsshould be included as a reminder to the AuthorizedNuclear Inspecior that

has the auihority and the duty to refuse to sign any Data Reports involving noncon-formance with the ASME Code.


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