ASME PTC 34:2007 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 11:00

Abstract: ASME PTC 34:2007 pdf download.Waste Combustors with Energy Recovery. Folknsing each performance test run the uncertainty of the results shall be calculated in accordance with Section 7 and FTC 19.1. 3-6.3 Data Storage and Retrieval It is st...

ASME PTC 34:2007 pdf download.Waste Combustors with Energy Recovery.

Folknsing each performance test run the uncertainty of the results shall be calculated in accordance with Section 7 and FTC 19.1.

3-6.3 Data Storage and Retrieval

It is strongly recommended that test data be captured and stored in an electronic format to facilitate post-test uncertainty and

data analysis

3-6.4 Test Report

A comprehensive test document shall be prepared in accordance with Section 6 of this Code. Every event connected with the progress of the test shall be recorded on the test log sheets together with the time of occurrence and name of the observer, Particular

care should be taken to record any adjustments made to any equipment under test. At the conclusion of the test, authorized parties shall sign respective data logs recorded or witnessed. They shall also sign a document to indicate the test was conducted in

accordance with the approved test procedure. Parties to the test have the right to copies of all raw data at the conclusion of the test.

The results of the test should he presented as a formal document that is certified by all parties to the test.


Prior to conducting a plant performance test, there shall be a written agreement between the parties to the test on the specific

subjects affecting the planning, scheduling, execution, and reporting aspects of the test. This subsection provides an itemized

list of the activities and the items for agreement. It is intended that the parties will use this information to review and develop

the overall test document, and to assign and schedule test activities. Subsections 3-3 through 3-6 provide additional guidance for the items specified in paras. 3-7.1 through 3-75.

3-7.1 Test Planning

(a) Define test ohective.

(b) Prepare test plan manual including schedule of test preparation activities, test execution, data analysis, and reporting.


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