ASME HST-5:1999 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 17:25

Abstract: ASME HST-5:1999 pdf download.TANDARD FOR AIR CHAIN HOISTS. (c) The overload limiting device is an emergency device and shall no be used to measure the masimum load to be lifted and shall not be used to sense the overload imposed by a constr...


(c) The overload limiting device is an emergency device and shall no be used to measure the masimum load to be lifted and shall not be used to sense the overload imposed by a constrained kiad

3.10 Trolley

When a trolley is required fur use with a hoist, the type and siLC of support beam must be specified to ensure that the trolley is suitable for the minimum radius and the contour of the beam.

3.11 Brakes for Motor Driven Trolleys

Trolley lwakes, when specified. shoukl he actuated by mechanical or pneumatic means and shall have the following characteristics.

(a) Brakes shall have sufficient capacity to sh4 the trolley within a distance in feet (meten) equal to 10% of the rated speed in

feet (meters) per minute when traveling at rated speed with rated load.

(b) Brakes on 1rolles shall hase heat dissipation capability for the frequency of operation.

Ic) Brakes shall have provision for adjustment, where necessary, to compensate for wear.

3.12 Control

Hoists and trolleys shall have pendant. pull, or rod control. Control actuakws shall automatically return to the off position

3.12.1 Pendant Control. The pendant control staflon shall he supported to protect the pneumatic hoses and connectIons against

strain. The pendant control station shall he clearly marked to indicate the function of each actuator. Unless otherwise specified. the standard pendant control shall have a length that will locate the pendant approsiniately 3 It to 5 ft 10.9 iii to 1,5 m) above the lower limit of lift.

3.12.2 Pull Control. Pull control shall consist of two pull chains or cords with suitable handlelsi clearly ed [or direction.

Unless otherwise specilied. the sc pull control shall have a length that will locate the control handles approsimately 3 ft to 5 ft (0.9 m to l.5 m) above the lower limit of the lift.


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