ASME HST-2:2018 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 17:19

Abstract: ASME HST-2:2018 pdf download.Performance Standard for Hand Chain Manually Operated Chain Hoists. lift: the maximum vertical distance through which the load hook can travel, and is the total allowable hook movement between its upper limit of...

ASME HST-2:2018 pdf download.Performance Standard for Hand Chain Manually Operated Chain Hoists.

lift: the maximum vertical distance through which the load hook can travel, and is the total allowable hook movement between its

upper limit of travel and its lower limit of travel (see Figure 2.0.2-1).

lifting devices, below-the-hook: devices that are not normally reeved onto the hoist chains, such as hook-on buckets, magnets,

grahs, and other supplemental devices used for hangingor attaching to the load. The weight olthese devices is to be considered part of the load to be lifted.

load: the total superimposed weight on the load block or load hook, including lifting devices.

load block: the assembly of hook or shackle, swivel. bearing, pins, sprocket, and frame suspended by the load chain. This shall

Include all appurtenances reeved into the load chain.

load hook: the hook used to connect the load to the hoist.

load sprocket: a hoist component that transmits motion to the load chain. This component is sometimes called load wheel, load

sheave, pocket wheel, chain wheel, or lift wheeL

load suspension parts: the means of suspension (trolley, hook, or clevls), the chain, the sprocket(s), the structure or housing

that supports the sprocket(s), .ind the load block.

minimum radius: the smallest radius olthe beam, measured to the centerline of the web of the beam, on which the trolley will


overload: any load greater than the rated load.

parts (lines): number of lines of chain supporting the load block or hook.

qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recognized degree in an applicable field or a certificate of professional

standing, or by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the .ibility to solve or resolve

problems relating to the subject matter and work

rated load: the maximum load for which a hoist or trolley Is designated by the manufacturer or qualified person. reach: the

distance From the saddle of load hook at its lower limit of travel to the upper point of the headroom measure ment Reach is equal

to lift plus headroom (see FIgure

reeving: a system in which a chain travels around sprockets. shall: a word indicating a requirement.

should: a word indicating a recommendation.

trolley: a wheeled mechanism from which a hoist is suspended to provide horizontal motion of the hoist along a beam.


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