ASME HST-6:2020 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 17:16

Abstract: ASME HST-6:2020 pdf download.Performance Standard for Air Wire Rope Hoists. qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recognized degree in an applicable field or certificate of professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge,...

ASME HST-6:2020 pdf download.Performance Standard for Air Wire Rope Hoists.

qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recognized degree in an applicable field or certificate of professional

standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve

problems relating to the subject matter and work.

rated air pressure: the air pressure, at the hoist inlet, at which the hoist is designed to lift rated load at rated speed. reach: the distance from the saddle of the load hook at its lower limit of travel to the upper point of the headroom

measurement. Reach is equal to lift plus headroom (see Figure 6-0.2-1). reeving: a system in which the wire rope travels around

sprockets (see Figure 6-0.2-2). reeving, double: reeving In which two parts of the hoc lead off of the drum reeving, single:

reeving in which one part of the line leads off of the drum. rope: refers to wire rope unless otherwise specified.

NOTE; Rope properties do not conform to those shown in ASME B30,9. Sec ASME B3O.16 for hoist rope properties.

rope drum: the cylindrical member around which the rope is wound for lifting and lowering the load. shall: a word indicating a


sheave, nonrunning: a sheave used to equalize tension in opposite parts of the rope. Because of its slight movement, it is not

termed a running sheave.

sheave, rope: a grooved wheel used with a rope to change direction and point of application of a pulling force. sheave, running: a sheave that rotates as the hook is lifted or lowered.

should: a word indicating a recommendation.

trolley: a wheeled mechanism from which a hoist is suspended to provide horizontal motion of the hoist along a beam. trolley speed: the rate of motion that a motor-operated trolley (and hoist) attains while traveling along a beam. trolley suspended: suspension of hoist from a trolley. The hoist can be connected to trolley by hook. clevis, or lug suspen. slon. or the hoist can be integral with the trolley.

true vertical lift’ a lift in which the load hook travels in a true vertical path between the lower limit of lift and the upper

limit of lift (includes no lateral hook travel) (see Figure 6-0.2-2, illustration (b)J.

balve: a device for starting, stopping, or changing the flow in a pneumatic circuit. wall mounted: a type of mounting where the

hoist is mounted to a vertical surface.


The following is a list of publications referenced in this Standard. The latest edition shall apply.


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