ASME B30.26:2004 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 12:13

Abstract: ASME B30.26:2004 pdf download.Rigging Hardware. 26-2.6.2 Chemically Active Environments The strength of adjustable hardware can be affected by chemically active environments such as caustic or acid substances or fumes. The adjustable hardwa...

ASME B30.26:2004 pdf download.Rigging Hardware.

26-2.6.2 Chemically Active Environments

The strength of adjustable hardware can be affected by chemically active environments such as caustic or acid substances or fumes. The adjustable hardware manufacturer or a qualified person should be consulted before use in chemically active environments.


Adjustable hardware users shall be trained in the selection, inspection, cautions to personnel, effects of environment, and rigging practices as covered by this Chapter.


26-2.8.1 Initial Inspection

Prior to use, all new, altered, modified, or repaired adjustable hardware shall be inspected by a designated person to verify

compliance with the applicable provisions of this Chapter. Written records are not required.

26-2.8.2 Frequent Inspection

(a) A visual inspection shall be perFormed by the user or other designated person each shift before the adjustable hardware is

used. Semi-permanent and inaccessible locations where frequent inspections are not feasible shall have periodic inspections


(b) Conditions such as those listed in para. 26-2.8.4 or any other condition that may result in a hazard shall cause the adjustable hardware to be removed from service. Adjustable hardware shall not be returned to service until approved by a qualified person.

(c) Written records are not required.

26-2.8.3 PeriodiIc Inspection

(a) A complete inspection of the adjustable hardware shall be performed by a designated person. The adjustable hardware shall be

examined for conditions such as those listed in para. 26-2.8.4 and a determination made as to whether they constitute a hazard.


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