ASME B30.20:2010 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 12:06

Abstract: ASME B30.20:2010 pdf download.Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices. a material that is not permeable by fluid. porous material: a material that is permeable by fluid. seal riuç (seal): that part of the vacuum pad which forms the seal of the vacu...

ASME B30.20:2010 pdf download.Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices.

a material that is not permeable by fluid.

porous material: a material that is permeable by fluid. seal riuç (seal): that part of the vacuum pad which forms the seal of the

vacuum chamber between the vacuum pad body or vacuum lilting device and the attached material,

service, lwrwi,: service that involves operation within the rated load limit that exceeds the limits of normal service.

service, normal

Design Categorij A lifters (ftir ASME BTH-1): service that involves operation with various weights within the rated load limit with not more than four operations above 65% of the rated load limit per 24-hr period.

Design Categorii B li4krs (frrASME BTH-1): service that involves operation with various weights within the rated load limit,

averaging less than 65% of rated load limit.

service, severe: service that involves normal or heavy service with abnormal operating conditions.

service, special or infrequent: service that involves operation other than normal, heavy, or severe. single-pad mechanical vacuum

lifter: see Fig. 20-0.4-1, illustration (b).

two-pad mechanical vacuum lifter: see Fig. 20-0.4-1, illustration (a).

vacuum: pressure less than ambient atmospheric pTSSU Fe.

vacuum lifter: a below-the-hook lifting device for lifting and transporting loads using a holding force by means of vacuum

(see Fig. 20-0.4-1).

vacuum manipulator: a vacuum lifter capable of reposi. tioning the load while suspended.

vacuum pad: a device that applies a holding force on the load by means of

vacuum reservoir: the evacuated portion of the vacuum system that functions to compensate for leakage into the vacuum system or to provide a vacuum reserve in the event of vacuum generator failure.


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