Abstract: ASME B30.19:2000 pdf download.CABLEWAYS. head tower mast:a vertical support structure, guyedor counterweighted for stability,whose purpose is tosupport the track cable and operating ropes.The headtower is the tower located closest to the...
ASME B30.19:2000 pdf download.CABLEWAYS.
head tower mast:a vertical support structure, guyedor counterweighted for stability,whose purpose is tosupport the track cable and operating ropes.The headtower is the tower located closest to the load hoistand inhaul-outhaul hoist.
the rope system that pulls thetrolley and load toward the headi fower (inhaul). orpulls the trolley and
load away from the head tower(uthaul).
inhcaul-outhaui hoist (trolley hoist: a hoist having twodrums. one of which winds on rope while the otherdrum simultancously ;
unwinds rope;or a sinngle drumhoisr from which the ropwinis on one end whiletue ropc unwinds from the other drum end (see Figs.5,6,annd 7). The hoist is powcred by a prime movr.lazy gsy: fixcd length menber(s) of rope which prevents luffing thc towcr(s) (masty
beyond the distancecstablished by the luffing hoist (a safety device).load block,lower: the assembly of hook or shackle,swivel,
sheaves.pins.and frame suspended by thehoisting rope.
load block, aupper:the assembly of sheaves. pins. andframe fromn which the hoisting rope suspends the lowerload block. The block
may he an integral nart of thetrolley or suspended from the trolley.
load hoist:a hoist drum and rope reeving systemused for hoisting and lowering loads.
load. maxinun design: the forces in a particular com-ponent of the cableway rcsulting from the loadingcondition that causes the
highest stress in that component.
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