ASME A112.14.4:2001 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 10:54

Abstract: ASME A112.14.4:2001 pdf download.GREASE REMOVAL DEVICES. 1.4 Definition removal device (GRD): a plumbing appliance that is installed in the sanitary drainage system in order to intercept free-floating fats, oils, and grease from waste water...

ASME A112.14.4:2001 pdf download.GREASE REMOVAL DEVICES.

1.4 Definition

removal device (GRD): a plumbing appliance that is installed in the sanitary drainage system in order to

intercept free-floating fats, oils, and grease from waste water discharges. Such equipment operates on a time- or event-controlled basis and has the ability to remove the entire range of commonly available free-floating fats,

oils, and grease automatically without intervention from the user except for maintenance. The removed material is essentially water-free, which allows for recycling of the removed product.


2.1 Construction

2.1.1 DesIgn Considerations. The GRD shall automatically remove fats, oils, and grease from the separation chamber to a point outside of the (IRD. The removal process shall be such that the removed fats, oils, and grease shall be 95% by volume free of water when tested according to this Standard.

2.1.2 Size. The how and grease retention of each (RD shall be tested and rated in accordance with ASME All2.14.3.

2.13 Inlet and Outlet Connections. The inlet and outlet connections of the (RD shall be cither (cmalc pipe thread or a plain end diameter to allow hubless coupling connections. Tapered threads shall comply with ASME B 1.20.1.

l-lubless connections shall comply with the outside dimension for (he given pipe sue in accordance with ASTM A888.


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