ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-27 19:59

Abstract: ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf download.lnspection and Quality Assurance for High-Volume Machine Assembly Fasteners. 2.4 Records The supplier shall maintain and provide the purchaser logs and records of inspections and tests as required by this pla...

ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf download.lnspection and Quality Assurance for High-Volume Machine Assembly Fasteners.

2.4 Records

The supplier shall maintain and provide the purchaser logs and records of inspections and tests as required by this plan if

requested. Such records shall indicate the nature and number of observations made, the number and type of deficiencies found, the

quantities of material or parts approved and rejected, and the nature of the corrective action taken, as appropriate. Records shall also include the disposition of rejected parts in accordance with para. 2.9 and shall be maintained for a minimum of 1 yr from the date of shipment of the parts.

2.5 Purchased Accessories and Parts

Accessories, services, and partially fabricated parts (e.g., washers, nuts, blanks, heat treating, plating, etc.) may be purchased by the prime contractor from subcontractors for use in the production of fasteners, provided the following conditions arid

requirements are met:

(a) The prime contractor shall be responsible to the user for the quality of the final product.

(b) The prime contractor shall be responsible for the implementation of all requirements of this plan, including records.

(c) All lots that ale heat treated and/or finished by a subcontractor and all lots that are processed by a subcontractor following heat treatment and/or finishing operations shall undco final inspection by the subcontractor or the prime contractor.

2.6 Raw Material

26.1 GeneraL Raw material (rod, wire, or bar) shall be reviewed to determine that each coil or bundle has a mill identification and that each heat (batch, melt, cast. etc.) is accompanied by a mill certification of analysis or the equivalent. The raw material or its accompanying mill certification shall be inspected prior to release for fabrication to verify that it conforms to the material requirements specified.

2.6.2 General Quality. One fastener, taken at random from representative coils of rod or wire or from bundles of bars, shall be

visually inspected to verify the general quality of the raw material and its condition following the forming process he part shall be examined for evidence of pipe, cracks, seams, and other surface discontinuities according to applicable specifications.


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