ASME A112.19.12:2000 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-27 18:35

Abstract: ASME A112.19.12:2000 pdf download.WALL MOUNTED ANDPEDESTAL MOUNTED JUSTABLE ANDPIOTING LAIVATORY ANDSINK CARRIER SYSTEMS. Performance Requirement. The car-rier shall provide a vertical adjustment of not morcthan 12 in.(300 mm). 3.2F...

ASME A112.19.12:2000 pdf download.WALL MOUNTED ANDPEDESTAL MOUNTED JUSTABLE ANDPIOTING LAIVATORY ANDSINK CARRIER SYSTEMS. Performance Requirement. The car-rier shall provide a vertical adjustment of not morcthan 12 in.(300 mm).

3.2Flexible Waste System3.2.1 Trap Seal Test Method.'The wall mounted or ped-estal mounted acljastable lavatory or sink carricr systemand flexible waste system

shall be instalied in accord-ancc with the manufacturer"s instructions. The lavalor yshall be positioned at its minimun iaijustaile ieighaiana the depth of seal shail be neasured.Twe lavaloryor sink shaii then be raisedl io iis miaximum hcightand the depth ul

seal shall again be mcasurcd. Afcrmcasuring tle ieiglni diffcrencc caused by vcrtica!adjusLweIwL,the measurement of thc trap seal

of theexircmcs in the latcral fixture movement shall also bemcasured. Performance Requirement. The trapseal depth shall not be less than 2 in.〔50 mmy andnon greater nhan 9 in.(2.30 mml at any position.3.2.2 Hydrostatic Pressure Tost Test Method. The otlet of the drainshall be plugged at the stub oat connection. 'The flexiblewastc system shall he slowly

filled with water. aliovwingall air to esrape lhe inlet of the flexible waste systemshall then becapped. allowing for a means to

apyply hydrostatic pressure of 25 psig (I170 kPa gituge).which shall be maintained for a periol of win. Performance Requirements. The filled asscmbly shall not leak during the test time period.


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